Saturday, April 21, 2007


Grafitii is a word which has the origin from Italian. It is a kind of public art which people draw on walls, on vehicles and many public surface. Because of that, in most of cases, it is considered as illegal. Grafitti mainly focus on typography with unsusial and highly decorative fonts. Its contents varies in a wide range from political problems or just a name of the artist.

Grafitii's styles

  • A "tag" is a painting of the artist's name using decorative typography. It is also used as the signature of the artist.
  • A "throw-up" is a kind of painting which focuses of the drawing speed rather than the visual look of the picture. So, it often uses a little number of colors (3 or 4 colors)
  • A "piece" is quite simmilar to a "tag" but it is more complex and need more time to finish.
  • "Wildstyle" is the most complex style of grafitti. This style mainly appears on big walls or surfaces. It is the combination of letters, arrows, pictures, etc.


Throw-up style's example

Wildstyle style's example
Vietnamese Grafitti

Although grafitti is quite popular in Vietnam, their contents are really poor. There are a lot of grafitto which have text in the format: somebody's name + "love" (text or image) + somebody's name. Artists don't use a lot of colors as well so most of pieces are painted in black and red (it is maybe because spray painters are not common in Vietnam).

This picture is from the Cynical Traveler blog.

This picture is a common type of grafitti although it looks more like advertising. Basicly in Vietnam, there are people who are hired to demolish house, building and other constructions. This is their advertisement which contains their mobile phone number and the text "Khoan Cat Be Tong". They paint their advertisement anywhere they can found. Therefore, their action is consider as illegal.

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